Fatherhood and Finances


    The role of the family provider and protector often falls on the Father in a family. This is often because mothers take on other roles that demand their attention, and fathers doing finances will help lighten the load. Husbands and wives must communicate effectively in order to ensure that budgets are met instead of exceeded, and to enusre that both people in that special partnership are aware of the financial needs of the family. The key to good family finances is good communication, planning, and budgeting. 

    I could take this whole blog to talk about finances, however, I'd like to talk about the beauty of fatherhood instead. The effect that a present and active father has on the lives and character of children is incredible. Fathers teach children to be adventurous. They teach them how to display their emotions, especially those that are more strong such as frustration. Fathers teach children to use their strength and physical skill (through things like roughousing and working on vehicles and amenities around the house). Fathers often feel undermined by mothers, dealing with things like womb envy and "gatekeeping" mothers. Many mothers, within the earliest and most vital years in a child's life to develop a connection to parents, will take the role of parenthood entirely upon themselves with an "just let me do it" sort of attitiude. They gatekeep their children from fathers. How are fathers supposed to learn how to parent and care for their children if mothers won't let them? How are they supposed to learn? It is so important for fathers to be able to connect and bond with their children. 

    Upon searching through multiple talks by general authorities and prophets of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, here are the most crucial and important roles of the father within the home:

  1. Give father's blessings to your children. Baptize and confirm your children. Ordain your sons to the preisthood. These acts will later become spiritual highlights in the lives of your children. It is so important for them to be able to look back on these experiences and see how much their dad cares about the gospel and preisthood.
  2. Lead the family in family home evening, going to church, and family prayer and scripture study. You are the head of the household, and prioritizing the Spirit in your home will show your family that you care about having a peaceful and God-centered home. 
  3. Go on father-and-son campouts, daddy-daughter dates, and little adventures with your kids. Take your family on outings, adventures, campouts, picnics, sports events, recitals, etc. and BE PRESENT. 
  4. Take your family on regular outings and vacations. 
  5. Have one-on-one visits with your children. Teach them to peacefully deal with their greivances, and teach them new skills. This will magnify your care for your children. 
  6. Teach your children to work hard - especially toward a worthy goal like a mission or college fund. This shows them what you consider to be important. 
  7. Encourage good media. Music, movies, and games can seriously effect the minds of your children. Encouraging uplifiting media will bless your children with the spirit of refinement. 
  8. Regularly visit the temple with your family.
  9. Remember that teenage children need just as much love and attention as infants. 
    Fathers play a massive role in building strength, skill, and wisdom within their children. I plead with all mothers to allow your husbands to love and care for your children as you do. Men do have a nurture instinct. Let them tuck the kids in. Let them read bedtime stories. Let them hold them and take them out. The more active parents are in their children's lives, the more healthy progress a child will make.
